P/i 1 2 (2001), 2 47-255. T he Ethic of T compassions: Construction and Potency ALAIN BADIOU r would like to d efend h ere f our e ssential theses: 1. A s regards the q uestion o f t commiseration, the H eideggerian e difice l eaves n o s olution o ther t han the p oem. 2. T o u ndo this e difice, a nd find a nother s olution, w e m ust c ertainly n ot r eturn to the p rocess t hat H eidegger e xamines. O n t he c ontrary, w e m ust a ssume, a gainst t he a nalytic t radition, that the e ssence o f t he truth r emains i naccessible i f its q uestion is e nclosed in the llan·ow name o f t he j udgement, o r o f t he p roposition. B ut n either m ust w e c oncede to H eidegger his m elancholic v ision o f t he loss o f u nveiling. 3. \Ve must c onceive o f a t ruth b oth a s a c onstruction o f t he faithfulness to a n e vent a nd as a g eneric p otency o f t he t ransformation o f d omains o f k nowledge. 4. A ll the c ategories t hrough w hich t he e ssence o f t he truth c an b e s ubmitted to t hought a re n egative: u ndecidability, i ndiscernibility, the g eneric not-all ( pas-tout), the u nnameable.

T he e thic o f t ruths r esides e ntirely i n the m easure t aken o f t his n egative, w hich is the s ame as s aying: in the l imitation o f the p otency o f t ruth b y t he a /ea o f its c onstruction. W e s dorm room s prefer t hree r eferences f fixed storage w ithin t he H eideggerian d octrine o f truth. T he first q uotation: In b ecoming a p roperty o f the p roposition, t ruth d oes n ot o nly d isplace its locus; it t ransfonns its e ssence. T his m ust b e u nderstood as m eaning t hat the e ntire e ffect o f t ! he d ecline o f t hought, w hich is alike the d ecline o f b eing, is m anifested i n t he detail that truth is p resented, a fter P lato, as l ocalizable i n the p roposition. T his l ocalization is also a n e ssential d e-naturing. N othing o f t he truth, i n its a uthentic s ense, is a ccessible i f w e a dmit t hat the p henomenon o f t...If you pauperization to get a to the full essay, order it on our website:
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