Friday, October 25, 2019

ICT and Its Impact on an Individuals Work and Personal Life :: ICT Essays

A report into how ICT has had an impact on an individuals working and personnel life For this report I decided to ask my mum how her life has changed since computers became involved daily in life. I wrote 10 questions each with questions incorporated to get a wide view on how it has had had an impact on her life. I asked my mum 'when did you first use a computer, and was it at the workplace or at home?' she answered 'I first used a computer at work because it was part of my new job' I then asked if she went on a course to help learn new skills and did she find it useful as follow up questions. She replied ' no, I wasn't given the opportunity to go on a course I simply had to teach myself it would have been a lot better if I had been on a course though. I then wanted to find out if she was comfortable about using ICT and if she was confident with it. I asked 'Was ICT a big change for you which you didn't really want to take because you found it intimidating, or did you relish the thought of learning new skills?' she answered ' yes I found it extremely intimidating as everyone else in my office new how to work a computer and I felt left behind. People also thought that because they knew I should so I found it very stressful' Next I wanted to know how much exactly had ICT changed her working life I asked if it had and she answered 'after a long time I have started to enjoy using the computer and I find it very useful At work Health and safety is a crucial part of a working place and regulations must be taken seriously so I asked 'how do you solve problems to do with health and safety? Are there any issues you feel strongly about and feel something should be done?' she replied 'I believe health and safety is very important and my workplace feels the same and are keen to address and problems'. I then wanted to know 'if any health and safety issues affected her personally on an everyday basis and what was done about them?' she replied ' no I don't have any they affect me on a day to day basis' Next I wanted to know how ICT helped her at home if it did at all. I wanted to know how often a computer was used for and how frequently if one was owned.

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